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How Does Food Consumption Affect a Student’s Psychological Behavior?

Food Consumption

You are what you eat, they say, and although you won’t turn into a mushroom or fish after you’ve had them for dinner, the food you consume will eventually influence a lot of things in your body and mind.

That is especially true for the majority of college students whose organisms are still in the process of growth and development.

In this article, we’ll tell you what every student should know about the link between nutrition and psycho-emotional state, how unbalanced food can influence your state of mind, and what you should and shouldn’t eat if you want to support and strengthen your mental system.

Food and Emotions: Closer Than You Think

What if you eat low-quality food in terms of its nutrition value, like fast food, where all the potentially good elements disappeared due to its over-processing?

In this case, your organism lacks the vital ingredients to function, your immune system is compromised, and it all is reflected in your mental state.

Of course, it doesn’t happen as fast or as simple as we put it – here you have a bunch of free essay examples about food digestion and processing that will prove us right.

For instance, you may suffer insomnia (as you lack vitamin D and your body doesn’t produce enough melatonin aka ‘sleep’ hormone), you feel fatigued all the time (not enough vitamins A, E, C, Calcium, etc), and it seems like nothing can make you happy.

It’s unlikely that people view food as a mix of chemical elements, though on the micro-level that’s exactly the story. Just like a human body. So when our organism digests the food, it takes all the elements that maintain the chemical balance necessary for our body to function.

Unfortunately, it also digests the elements that don’t add any value or are directly harmful due to their nature (like alcohol).

Some vitamins and minerals lead to strengthening our immune system (like vitamins C, A, E, etc), others have a positive impact on our mental state (like B vitamins), so their high concentration in the food keeps you healthy. But what happens in the inverse scenario?

Why should this nutrition thing and its results be important for you as a university student?

A well-balanced diet means the access of your digestive system to all the minerals and elements that help it to turn into energy, source of ‘building’ materials (like protein), and ensure a stable and sufficient level of vitamins.

When you have your body well-fed, you can:

  1. Keep yourself active and focused.
  2. Succeed at school (learning, exam passing, memorizing, logical thinking, etc).
  3. Be confident and comfortable with your physical self.

In addition, it’s not only the quality of food that makes a difference but the time you eat it.

Surely, everybody has their peculiarities of metabolism, but food at night, eating too much processed carbs, and a sweets-only diet won’t do good to anyone.

Let’s view the consequences of poor nutrition that many students suffer.

Results of Insufficient Diet

If you experience these, chances are you need to consult with your healthcare provider on your diet first:

  • Insomnia
  • Lack of concentration or inability to focus
  • Getting weight too fast
  • Digestion issues
  • Skin, hair, and nails condition worsens
  • You feel tired even when you don’t do anything

What Can You Do Before Consulting a Doctor?

  • Eliminate all the junk food and soda from your diet
  • Refrain from eating at night
  • Add more greens, fruits, and veggies to your table

We recommend you to visit a nutritionist that will help to develop a well-balanced diet particular to your organism’s needs and peculiarities.

Meanwhile, you can learn the list of what they call a superfood that is rich in many vital ingredients.

Goodies for Your Mental Health

Fresh greens (kale, spinach, arugula, salad, etc)

  • Bananas
  • Broccolis
  • Berries
  • Nuts
  • Olive oil
  • Whole grains
  • Fish
  • Lean meat (chicken, beef)

Nutrition is way complicated and important than many can imagine. This is why food education is needed for the students to start taking care of their body as early as they can, because what you eat creates the body and mind you will get.