Category » Positive Thinking

How to Build a Positive Attitude – 15 Tips

How to Build a Positive Attitude

A positive attitude brings light and life into your life, like a shining sun on a beautiful day.

Building a positive attitude is like holding a powerful torch that lights your life.

People are often too focused on their problems, difficulties, and daily life. They focus on the problems instead of on the solution, and the more they do so, the more problems well up, because what you focus on grows.

It is so tempting and easy to immerse in self-pity and believe that everyone is against you and that life is difficult. This attitude will keep away happiness and success.

The alternative to negativity is to build a positive attitude. How do you build a positive attitude?

You build it by doing small things that will gradually change your mindset, behavior, and actions, leading to a happier and more successful life. Small actions and activities ultimately lead to inner change.

Many writers and teachers have taught and written about this topic, bringing it to a large number of people, such as Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, and Louis Hay, to name a few. Nowadays, there are many books and websites that speak about this topic, including this website.

Tips on How to Build a Positive Attitude

1. Become more aware of your thoughts. Are they predominantly negative or positive? Do you often think negatively, and are you aware when you do so? Becoming aware of your thoughts is the first step to change them.

2. When a negative thought enters your mind, immediately replace it with a positive thought. You will have to repeat this process constantly until the new thoughts replace the old thoughts.

3. Be kind to yourself and do at least one thing a day that you enjoy doing and that makes you happy.

4. Every day, find the time to listen to music that you love and enjoy.

5. Read about the life of positive and successful people. You can find many articles on them on the Internet, and also on many books.

6. Read every day inspiring quotes. You can find a collection of quotes at:

Reading inspiring quotes, motivate, inspire and encourage you, and help you to develop a positive attitude toward yourself, your life, and your environment.

7. Visualize your life as you wish it to be, and believe in what you visualize. If negative images try to enter your mind, replace them with images and scenes that you want to come true. Refuse to indulge in doubts and negative thinking.

8. Do not listen to people who tell you that you cannot do this or that, persuade you that you lack the right skills, or constantly tell you that you are a failure. This might be their opinion, but not yours.

9. Always prefer to watch inspiring, motivating or funny movies. They would help you maintain a happier and optimistic attitude.

10. Learn how to use affirmations. These are positive statements that you repeat over again, just like autosuggestion. They are a great tool for building a positive attitude.

11. Read, study, and start to use the power of visualization. When you know how to use it effectively it can improve your life in every area.

12. It would be very helpful to learn how to build a positive attitude. It is a topic about which you can find many articles. I suggest that you also read the article, The Power of Positive Thinking

13. Please also read the articles on positive thinking. They too, will teach you how to build a positive attitude

14. The book Affirmations Words with Power is complete tutorial on how to use affirmations, not only to attract success, love, and possessions, but also to build new habits and change your mindset.

15. The book Manifest and Achieve is a complete system for changing your attitude, make it more positive, and attract success into your life.

“If you have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give your best effort, eventually you will overcome your immediate problems and find you are ready for greater challenges.”
– Pat Riley