How to Visualize and Attract Money Into Your Life

Attracting Money

Do you wish to use visualization’s power to manifest what you want?

Is it more correct to visualize the money for buying what you want or the object you wish to have?

If you visualize money, you might get it, but it doesn’t mean you will spend on what you want. There might be other needs with higher priority. In my opinion, it is always better to visualize what you exactly want.

Suppose you desire to travel abroad. What would you enjoy visualizing, and what would motivate you to act?

  • Visualizing yourself having the money for the trip?
  • Visualizing yourself on the plane, arriving safely, traveling, enjoying the sights and the food, and having a great time?

You can, of course, visualize money and attract it into your life. If you just wish to be financially independent, then it is all right.

However, if you want a particular object or an activity that requires money, it would be better to visualize your exact desire accomplished. If money is required to make it come true, it will arrive in some way.

Visualization techniques might attract things into your life in a miraculous way, but often, they will attract opportunities or make you aware of opportunities. Visualization opens doors, but you must step in and take advantage of these opportunities.

Sometimes, you might get certain ideas or intuition, but you must do something about them.

You will often be led to do certain actions, meet certain people, or make some effort to manifest your goal.

Question and Answer about Visualization and Affirmations

Here is an email message I have received recently about this topic:

“I purchased your book ‘Visualize and Achieve’ today (the book’s title has now changed to Manifest and Achieve). In the book, you suggest not concentrating on money but rather on the product or object.

In my case, I have the house, the car, etc. I’d like to retire and travel, so I need money to pay my mortgage, become debt-free, and obtain financial freedom. How do I address this with my affirmations and visualization?”

Here is what I replied:

“If you wish to attract money, you can do one of the following:
1. Visualize yourself looking at your bank statement, which shows a large amount of money.
2. Visualize a check to your order with the amount of money you desire.

As to affirmations, you may repeat the following affirmations:
1. I am financially independent.
2. Money is constantly flowing into my life.
3. I am so happy to have so much money in my bank account.
4. I have a lot of money, and more is coming all the time.

If you visualize money, you might get the money, but you might need to spend it on something else.

Why not visualize yourself debt free, financially independent, and able to travel wherever you want?

This is precisely what you want, so this is what you need to visualize.

This sort of visualization awakens the emotions, motivates, and makes you feel positive and inspired, and is, therefore, more effective than just visualizing money.”

Money Visualization Techniques

Here are a few examples:

  • If you wish to get a certain object, visualize this object in your possession.
  • If you wish to get a job, imagine yourself working at this job.
  • If you wish to have a certain amount of money, visualize a check, actual bills for the amount you want, or your bank statement showing this amount.

Affirmations are also useful for attracting money. You repeat a positive statement about having the amount of money you want. More about using affirmations for attracting money.

Here are a few examples:

1. Plenty of money is flowing now into my life.

2. Every day, I am getting more and more money.

3. I am a money magnet.

You can attract money into your life using the law of attraction and creative visualization. However, to get results, you will need to follow a few simple mental laws.

You will find more advice, instructions and step by step guidance for using the power of visualization and the law of attraction in the book Manifest and Achieve.

You will find in the book working visualization techniques for achieving your dreams and goals and attracting success into your life!