We all know that customer service is very important to any business, offline and online.
A business should have satisfied customers. For a business to thrive, it needs happy customers, and for happy customers, you have to strive to give quality products and good service.
I always strive to answer any customer inquiry as quickly as possible, sometimes within a few minutes after they send their inquiry or request.
I often receive emails from customers who are amazed at the prompt response, even if it was a few hours after they sent their message. A few hours’ delay is still a quick response by most people.
On rare occasions, some customers send an email expecting a response in a few minutes, and if they don’t get it, they send another email and then another one.
I totally understand their anxiety, but one message is enough. The message will be read, and a response will be sent as soon as possible.
It’s important to point out that in high-demand environments, it’s crucial for businesses to ensure they are using secure business email services. Secure email hosting allows access from anywhere and provides the necessary tools to manage customer inquiries effectively.
Buying Online and Customer Service
Buying online is different from buying from a stone-and-mortar store. On the Internet, buyers don’t see the store, and often, they do not know, or have no experience, with the online store they are buying from.
Customers give their credit card details and want to be sure everything is safe. I, too, buy online, and when I do that, I want to know about the website or store. I look at the “about” page to know who they are and check to see if they have contact information.
Another thing I do is to check who handles their payment process: PayPal or another known company or bank.
I confess that my response to customers’ messages is sometimes delayed by a few hours, but this is due to the differences in time zones.
Since this is an online business, someone might send a customer service request at 11.00 AM local time, but here, it might still be night, 2.00 AM, for example, and therefore, I might be sleeping and cannot respond until morning.
If you send a customer service request from a different time zone, it might be morning or noon at your place, and therefore, you cannot expect a prompt response.
Since the online business might be in a different time zone, the owner or workers might be sleeping.
There are also weekends and holidays to consider when asking for any kind of customer service.
Our Customer Service
Sometimes, we might be out for a few hours, going to the grocery store, doing some shopping, or going for a walk. At other times, we might be working and not checking our mail until we finish what we are doing.
You will always get a response and the customer service you require, whether you need a new download link because you couldn’t download it or because your computer crashed.
You might also need to download it to your iPad or smartphone and need help. All you need to do is to contact us through the email address or contact form at the website, and provide the email address you used for payment, the title of the book, and if possible, also the order number.
The purchase and download processes are quite simple, but if, for any reason you encounter a problem, you can rest assured that we will do our best to assist you to download and open the eBook.
If you buy an eBook from us, we will always provide any assistance you require, even emailing the eBook directly to your email box.
Quite often, you will get a prompt response. At other times, the response might be a little delayed, as explained above.
Online businesses and stores are open 24/7. However, they cannot give 24/7 human service, just as offline businesses and stores cannot do that. The people who work at the online or the offline business or store have to sleep, eat and have rest.
You can rest assured that you will always get a response, as soon as possible.